Saturday, March 17, 2012


My name is Hamid. I am an EFL teacher living and teaching in Saudi Arabia. My professional interests involve integration of technology in language teaching, language classroom dynamics, and culture in language teaching.


  1. Excuse me for asking a personal question, but you seem to have two names; I have you down as Khan but here you have Eusafzai. Which is correct and why do you have two? In Switzerland many women use their maiden names even after they are married, or they tack the husband's surname after their own maiden name (So I could be Alison Andrews-Rostetter) but it is rather pretentious. These women want to pretend that they are so dynamic they don't want to really confess to being married - most of our local female politicians do this. Me? I'm happily married to Mr. Rostetter, so I share his name - even though I have to spell it everywhere; it's not so common.

    1. Dear Alison
      My full name is Hamid Ali Khan Eusafzai.
      Hamid Ali is my birth name, whereas Khan is sort of family name, and as Pashtoons have tribes like Israelite had tribes, being a Pashtoon I also belong to a tribe, and the name of the tribe is Eusafzai or Yousafzai.

  2. Hello Hamid,

    Your website is very beautiful. Congratulations!

    How much technology are you currently using in your classroom? Has this course altered your overall approach to blended learning?

    1. Dear Louisa
      Thanks for visiting my blog, and thanks for the nice words.
      As nothing work in isolation in education, and everything is dovetailed, for example, learners' attitude and beliefs, teachers' attitude and beliefs, educational system of the country, learners' availability of infrastructure so forth and so on.
      Honestly speaking I am into technology for quite some time but everything was haphazard and unsystematic. This course has sort of helped me to put things in a proper perspective and framework, and has definitely added a lot to my existing knowledge of ICT in language teaching. For example, I was never aware of WebQuest and why to use it. The course has taken care of this, and I used a WQ for the first time as an alternate to out-of-class assignment, which normally used to be a reading passage/s with a few comprehension questions.
      However, as I said education is a working in a whole system and environment. Thus I have to merge into a large national system with little power to change it. I face many difficulties in trying to integrate what I have or am learning from the course. Infrastructure is not sufficient; hardly have a good lab with internet and computers, classrooms are without the basic IT facilities like internet, students do not have PCs or notebooks, and they can access internet beyond campus only in an internet cafe which obviously is not a suitable place to indulge in online scholarly pursuits. However, a step at a time is the right approach.
      Currently, my focus is taking and absorbing the intake which the course has to offer. Later, in the post-course period I intend to explore systematically and see how to integrate ICT into my pedagogical practices. The institution I work in is also trying to improve the IT infrastructure; so I hope after the course Ill have enough teach with technology or to integrate it into everyday lessons.

  3. Hi Hamid,

    that's a wonderful photo - is it you or someone else?
    I wonder which particular ICT you were interested in before the course, in particular?

    All the best


  4. I like the movie,and the comment about how expensive it actually is to use tec, my last time in London I saw every second person running around with an Iphone wondering if it is as expensive as it is in Germany?
